< Name > "Amp"
< Series > Menagerie
< Dimensions > H. 18 x W. 14 1/2 x D. 9 in. (45.7 x 36.8 x 22.9 cm.) • 1 lb. (.45 kg.)
< Creation Date > 2014
< Style > Monotype
< Status > Needs a home
< Edition > 1/1 - Unique
2014 - Over The Edge: Paperworks Unbound, The Williamsburg Art & Historical Center 135 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY (October 25 - November 23)
The Menagerie series of unique sculptures are evolved from specially designed monotype and/or aquatint fine art prints. Her name is "Amp." Her energy emanates and invites. She was born of archival paper, archival glue and wood. Her fine details are sprayed with layers of Krylon UV-Resistant acrylic coats for a healthy protective sheen. Signed & dated on the wood base (archival acrylic pen) plus a custom tag with detailed information (archival acrylic pen).